If there is one thing every truck driver takes some pleasure in doing it is complaining about four-wheel vehicles on the road. These remarks are often justifiable, but it is also fair to say not everybody who hauls freight is perfect on the road. Truck drivers could display bad driving habits, and it may be worthwhile trying to recognize if you do as well. It could only make life on the road safer for everybody. Here are eight types of bad behaviors by truck drivers.

1. Harsh passing

Everyone understands freight haulers have somewhere to be and need to overtake slow-moving cars, but if it’s not done properly a truck could block several lanes of traffic at once. There is a time and place to make your move. Make sure to choose wisely.

2. Discipline with bad lanes

Staying in your lane is the key in all circumstances, but it is even more important for the safety of all vehicles for truck drivers to remain strictly between the lines. Large-sized trucks can compromise other cars if they do not adhere to these rules.

3. Your use of smartphones

Just like any other driver on the road, no truck driver needs to be on their smartphone while operating a vehicle. If you need to make phone calls, were recommend that you use a hands-free device so you could keep both hands on the wheel at all times.

4. Eating while your driving

Similar to utilizing smartphones, truck drivers should not eat or drink while hauling freight. It is an easy habit to get into considering the lifestyle of a truck driver, but it could be distracting and cause one to lose concentration.

5. Tailgating cars

It could be a problem on both sides. Truck drivers dislike tailgaters, and four-wheel drivers feel the same about truck drivers. We should to watch out for each other and put a stop to it altogether.

6. Poorly secured products

You should always make sure your load is secure before embarking on a journey. Even if you are in a rush. Cargo that is not secure could compromise your delivery and be devastating to other cars on the road.

7. Careless parking of your truck

There might be times a truck must be parked in a small lot not designed for large vehicles. It could make for an awkward parking job. It is best for everybody if great care is taken while parking to ensure cargo is offloaded safely and the road is free from obstruction.

Click here to learn trucking rules for drowsy driving!

8. Driving arrogantly

Your truck might be bigger than a typical four-wheel car, but it does not give you ownership of the road. Drivers of small vehicles might be afraid to go up against a truck. The rules of the road should be followed for everyone's sake.

Be respectful of other drivers

There is no reason that cars and trucks can’t share the road in harmony. While nobody’s perfect, it is in everyone’s best interest to respect the rules and be mindful of fellow drivers. This will only increase the safety and decrease the rate of accidents. Make sure that you’re doing the right thing.

Do you have a question about bad driving habits? Click here to contact Fleet Oil and Truck Supply today!

Courtesy of Cuselleration

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