Many states have mud flaps laws even though the Federal Government does not have a mud flap regulation or law, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration does not mention mud flaps in any of its list of regulations. You can find these laws on There is no universal standard for selecting mud flaps, but Fleet Oil and Truck Supply has a variety of mud flaps and hangers for your truck and trailer.

Whether required by law or not, mud flaps and hangers for your truck do perform a valuable function by protecting your trailer and by protecting the vehicles that follow your tractor and trailer. Mud flaps will prevent the vehicles following a trailer to become victims of the rage of the road. Trucks without mud flaps have a greater possibility of throwing up rocks which can crack the windshield of a vehicle that is following. This can create a very dangerous condition for the vehicle because the windshield is vital in holding the vehicle together in a crash.

Mud flaps on the rear wheels of the truck will prevent the trailer from becoming damaged or from accumulating dirt and mud. Most trucking companies prefer that their rolling equipment look very clean and very good overall. Mud Flaps will also keep the vehicles that follow the truck and trailer from becoming splashed with mud and other road grime. This is an important concern in the winter months.

Mud Flaps are constructed in thick rubber or polyurethane. These are designed in a diamond plate pattern, or they are custom-molded. Some Mud flaps are made out of stainless steel. Mud Flaps should be installed behind both the front and the rear wheels of your truck.

Heavy duty chrome spring-loaded 45 degree angle round tube style Mud Flap Hangers will add style to a truck and trailer. The heavy duty spring-loaded straight Mud Flap Hangers in black rust-proof metal are also available. These are featured on the Fleet Oil and Truck Supply website.

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