While many truck drivers might balk at the higher costs of a smartphone,

having one can be a huge advantage while they are out working on the road. The trucking industry is trying to integrate new technology and many drivers are taking advantage of a variety of apps to make their lives and work easier.

Some use their smartphones to keep track of their health, while others use them to keep tabs on the weather, get a feel for gasoline prices, and see what types of traffic conditions are on the roads ahead.

Here’s a list of the top 10 truck driving phone apps that you can download today in order to improve your life on the road.

Trucker Tools is an app that gives users access to a variety of programs, which can help users find truck stops, weigh stations, and get an idea about weather forecasts to prepare for the future.

FleetSafer Mobile is an app that turns off all notifications on a smartphone so you will not be distracted to look while driving. It also lets users automatically respond with an away message so people will know you are on the road and are not able to use the phone.

Click here to learn the hazards of driving in bad weather!

MyFitness Pal is a popular healthcare and fitness app that can be a good tool for drivers with busy schedules. It lets users track their food intake and keep tabs on exercise so people can stay healthy. You can even use the app to track your workouts so you can chart out the progress of your fitness goals.

Gas Buddy is an application that tells you where local gas stations are and gives you a list by price, helping you save money on the final bill. This can be a big deal because gasoline prices can quickly add up even if there’s just a difference of a few cents.

Skype is another well-known application that is great for truck drivers who are looking to chat with friends and family. The popular app makes it easy to make voice and video calls and can be used for instant messaging. It works well on WiFi or with cellular data.

BigRoad is an application that helps drivers send the required documents and paperwork to a company once a day is over. This is a big help because it keeps everything organized and stores photos of documents in a secure manner so you can rest assured important information is safe.

Waze is a popular map and direction app that can be used by commercial drivers who are looking for a good GPS. The application tracks your speed and route to make predictions about travel times and can also warn you about accidents or traffic jams up ahead. The app can be used to point out different tolls as well.

White Nose is an application that helps drivers get to sleep faster through a variety of features. It has several relaxation modes that put out different sounds to help people sleep faster. The app also features alarms so you can wake up easier in the morning.

Storm Shield is an application that informs drivers about bad weather or incoming dangerous conditions. This is a big help because truckers can then make decisions about if they should carry on in bad weather without having to keep checking their phone.

Finally, Fast Food Calorie Lookup is an application that has data about the nutritional values for foods at hundreds of different eateries and restaurants.

This information is good for truckers since they do not have a lot of time to decide where they should be eating while out driving on a job.

Do you have a question about defensive truck driving? Click here to contact Fleet Oil and Truck Supply today!

Courtesy of Cuselleration

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