Long or Short Haul: Which Career is Best For You?
Posted by Cuselleration on 4/2/2018 to
If you are a truck driver, you know you are in high demand. If you are new to the trucking career, you may still be conflicted between being a long haul driver or short haul driver. At Fleet Oil & Truck Supply, we show you benefits and drawbacks to both.
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Spring Has Sprung: Safe Driving During Severe Weather
Posted by Cuselleration on 4/1/2018 to
March may be said to come in like a lion, and out like a lamb, but that all depends on where you are driving. In the middle part of the country, tornado season with its wetter weather and strong winds starts to ramp up in March and whirl its way through the end of May. Fleet Oil & Truck Supply offers some tips on driving during severe weather season.