Accessories That Make Every Trucker's Life Easier
Posted by Cuselleration on 7/20/2017 to
Driving constantly sounds easy to most people, but as soon as they take a long road trip the get a real taste of what us truckers go through daily. While they aren’t equipped to handle the long hours like us, we have put together some accessories that we think help make each trip much easier.
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Some Reminders for New Truckers
Posted by Cuselleration on 7/7/2017 to
There are a few things that new truckers need to keep in mind about their trucking jobs. As truckers like you will spend most of your time on the road, you should have the proper mindset and expectations about the nature of a trucker’s job. This is important in order for you to do your job well and have a great time as you travel thousands of miles. Here are some reminders, especially for the new truckers.